What is Celebrate Recovery?
You've undoubtedly heard the expression; "Time heals all wounds". Unfortunately it isn't true. Time often makes things worse. Wounds that are left unattended fester
and spread infection throughout your entire body. If the problem isn't dealt with, time only extends the pain. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered 12 step recovery program which not only
deals with alcoholism and drug addiction but also offers help for a wide variety of hurts, hangups, and harmful behaviors.
Celebrate Recovery is also for:
- Co-dependency - Eating Disorders - Control Issues - PTSD - Anger - Mental Illness - Financial Stress
Fear - Depression - Loneliness - Pornography - Chemical Dependency - Sexual Addictions - Anxiety - Broken Relationships - Gambling - Past Abuse - Family Dysfunction
You've undoubtedly heard the expression; "Time heals all wounds". Unfortunately it isn't true. Time often makes things worse. Wounds that are left unattended fester
and spread infection throughout your entire body. If the problem isn't dealt with, time only extends the pain. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered 12 step recovery program which not only
deals with alcoholism and drug addiction but also offers help for a wide variety of hurts, hangups, and harmful behaviors.
Celebrate Recovery is also for:
- Co-dependency - Eating Disorders - Control Issues - PTSD - Anger - Mental Illness - Financial Stress
Fear - Depression - Loneliness - Pornography - Chemical Dependency - Sexual Addictions - Anxiety - Broken Relationships - Gambling - Past Abuse - Family Dysfunction